Monday, February 25, 2008

Thing 6 - Online Image Generators

How can one use Online Image Generators in their library or media center. That is a good question. Like the latest explanation for this Thing it was mentioned that Media Specialists could use the Trading Cards to help the Media Specialist and the children to get to know each other. It could also help co-workers get to know each other. Especially for new people. I know coming into a new job just recently. It took me a while to get to know some of my co-workers. It is probably do more to the fact that I am a shy person, than not having something like a trading card to get to know them. If I was going to actually use a trading card to exchange with my coworkers, I would use a different picture. This picture makes me look like I am some sort of a lush. It was the only picture that I had a available of myself. I used the Mosaic to show how someone could use it to aid them in a display. It could help a bring a little something extra to a display that is laking something. When we do our magazine displays during the Thanksgiving holiday/Christmas season. Using a mosaic would have been a neat idea.

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