Friday, February 8, 2008

Thing 2 - Web 2.0

In the video Stephen Abram suggests finding 10 to 15 minutes of time to do your 23 Things. I know that it should be possible for me to do this. When the library is quiet, I know that I can pull up the 23 Things website and get a look at what the next thing is.

I am personally participating in 23 Things, because I would like to understand more of some of the technology that has come around. I hope that 23 Things will help me understand some of the things that I come across in my daily life. As well as when a patron asks me a question pertaining to some of the new technology that is available.

I am not a big internet surfer. I will go online to check email, facebook,, a few blogs that I read, and my bank account. I don't do much more than that on the internet in my personal time. As an Library Assistant the extent of my internet use is looking up an author/title on Amazon, using NovelList and checking my work email. That is all I do when it comes to using the internet at work.

I am looking forward to understanding more about what exactly some of the new web technology are. I am also looking forward to becoming more confident in my use of the new technologies that are coming my way.

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