Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thing 1 - Setting up the blog

This is the blog I made for 23 Things on a stick. It didn't take me that long to make it. I enjoyed trying out the different colors and stuff for it. I had a difficult time coming up with a name for it. I finally decided to just use a nickname and add 23 Things. Not very original, but it worked for me.

My avatar, in my opinion, looks nothing like me. I have shown it to my co-workers, and they all said that it looks kind of like me. The only thing was that I don't have bangs, but the Yahoo Avatar doesn't have any bobs for the hairstyle. When I showed it to my co-workers, we all had a discussion on whether everyone had put themselves in the library stacks. As far as we knew, everyone did execpt for one person. Her arguement was that she is already at a library for 40 hours a week, why would she want her avatar to be there constantly?

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